Dr. Reinout Kleinhans

I am an Associate Professor of Urban Regeneration at Delft University of Technology. Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Department of Urbanism. I have also been appointed as Delft Education Fellow 2020-2021.

My research interests and expertise include urban regeneration, self-organisation, community entrepreneurship, online/offline citizen engagement, tactical urbanism, placemaking, democratic innovation and the use of digital participatory platforms for co-production between citizens and governments. I am currently involved as co-investigator in an NWA project on 'Dilemmas of Doing Diversity' (lead: Prof. Marlou Schrover, Leiden University), particularly in housing and community-based initiatives. Other research includes urban regeneration and residential relocation in China, and spatial justice in local redevelopment approaches.

​At the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Prof. Machiel van DorstProf. Maarten van Ham, and I manage the Urban Studies research group in the Department of Urbanism.

​My educational background is in urban planning, housing and urban geography. I obtained a MSc degree in urban planning from Groningen University. In 2005, I received my PhD degree in urban geography at Delft University of Technology, for my thesis "Social Implications of Urban Restructuring and Residential Relocation". 

via: https://www.reinoutkleinhans.com
